Thursday, October 28, 2010

What should I do about my situation?

I know that I will get some nasty comments but hear me out. Been married for 25 years and no its not always been this way. But in the past 5 years or so, all I am is the slave of this home. I work 40 hrs a week, take care of the entire house inside and out.. and yes the cutting grass, trimming, weeding, anything that needs to be done, keep the maintance on the vehicles and each and every night I am expected to cook something for him only because he likes eggs all the time for the reason he has no teeth. He failed to look after his teeth and now has none. I am expected to wait on him hand and foot, cook his dinner and even pack his lunch for the next day. I am made to go and get gas in his vehicle when its low, I have to take care of his mother because he refuses to look after her. He has even waken me up for me to fix him some food. He sleeps in another room (his choice and thats ok - not complaining) I just feel that I have another child (although ours have grown and moved out). He is about 6 years older than me and thank God he does still hold a job (for now) but talking of retiring soon. I know its probably all my fault for allowing this to get out of hand, but I feel that if I am doing all that I can do and more, then why dont I just be single and alone because I am not getting any help from him. I am just his live in maid. Does it seem that way to you also? There is no love here and has not been for quite a while. I dread weekends because I am stuck in this house with him all weekend long just being the maid. My heart feels heavy with lack of a life and been made to feel as a maid. What would you do? PS. I have tried to talk to him about how I feel before, but he just gets very angry. I am pretty much a people pleaser and sometimes please everyone but myself. I am getting very tired. Any suggestions? Please be gentle as my heart is already broken. Thanks for your answers.What should I do about my situation?
You need to get out. Life is meant to be shared. You will feel a whole lot better when you have left the baggage behind and live a little. Good luck and just do it..........What should I do about my situation?
Time to start thinking of # 1 - YOU!

You only have this one life - can you really see yourself being the servant of this selfish creature for the rest of it?

Make a decision - and move out on your own.

You will be a lot happier, believe me!
You need to pray. That is as gentle as I can get for you. You need Jesus. Open your heart and mind and let Him speak to you and guide you. You can have a life if you so choose to do so. Even inside the life you already have. Simply pray and then do what Jesus tells you and live.
Sounds like you NEED to look after yourself for a change. He is taking advantage of you. If you've been together this long he will not change now. Have you got any family you could stay with, try to go on a mini holiday and see how you do with that. Its tough but if you are not happy, then I would leave.
if you feel like nothing but a live in maid, and your

children are grown, and you dread being with him,

then I don't know what's stopping you from moving out,

or kicking him out. I think you'll be much happier.
feel sorry for you

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