Friday, October 22, 2010

What chores would you suggest for kids?

I found this list online and some of them are outragious to me.

Here is a sample of chores provided by Pantley that will work for many children in these age groups.

Chores for children ages 2 to 3

Put toys away.

Fill pet's food dish.

Put clothes in hamper.

Wipe up spills.

Dust. [hmmmmm I dont know how much dusting would be done. Id be afraid that they'd break stuff.]

Pile books and magazines. [More like throw]

Chores for children ages 4 to 5

Any of the above chores, plus:

Make own bed.

Empty wastebaskets. [oh yes, with flu season we want then to take out the trash]

Bring in mail or newspaper. [Let them get kidnapped]

Clear table.

Pull weeds. [Are we at the farm?]

Use hand-held vacuum to pick up crumbs. [very modern]

Water flowers.

Unload utensils from dishwasher. [handling sharp objects, ill do that one at this age]

Wash plastic dishes at sink.

Fix bowl of cereal.

Chores for children ages 6 to 7

Any of the above chores, plus:

Sort laundry.

Sweep floors. [I'd ketch them playing horsey on that broom]

Set and clear table.

Help make and pack lunch.

Weed and rake leaves. [at 6 and 7, their barely out of knowing their number and]

Keep bedroom tidy.

Pour own drinks.

Answer telephone. [uh, that is why ur phone bill is high]

Chores for children ages 8 to 9

Any of the above chores, plus:

Load dishwasher.

Put away groceries.


Help make dinner.

Make own snacks.

Wash table after meals.

Put away own laundry.

Sew buttons. [lol]

Make own breakfast.

Peel vegetables.

Cook simple foods, such as toast.

Mop floor.

Take pet for a walk.

Chores for children ages 10 and older.

Any of the above chores, plus:

Unload dishwasher.

Fold laundry.

Clean bathroom.

Wash windows.

Wash car.

Cook simple meal with supervision. [you'd let them answer the phone and get kidnapped by getting the paper but you'd supervise them cooking a simple meal? lol]

Iron clothes. [NO!]

Do laundry.

Baby-sit younger siblings (with adult in the home). [Ya by the time this happens to you, you are basically their parent now. Adult home or not]

Mow lawn.

Clean kitchen.

Clean oven.

Change bed.

Make cookies or cake from a box mix. [:P]

As you see I have put my own comments. What chores would you suggest for age 2 through 12?What chores would you suggest for kids?
I had LOADS of chores when i was little

But my mum was busy - hmmm - well here is how it worked for me...


* clean own room - like make bed and sweep floor (i know u sed a bout the horsey thing with the broom - but hey - i dance with mine :P)

* Put away tesco shopping

* hold the cord for the hoover - as mum hoovered

* dusted - Unfragile items - (my mum was always looming over my sholder)

* washed windows - not very well but wot can u do? :)

* sirred bath water :P


* hoovered (more to the 10 end of the scale)

* put away objects

* help garden with little things

* help lay the table

* help cook easy things - like buiscuits


* Hoover - no superision

* light candles - (more for like 13+)

* Garden

* make lunch for self - (11-13 toast and 14-16 meals like nachoes and fish fingerss)

* buy own clothes - not xactly a chore but you know :P

most of theese need supervision as things can happen :P

I did other chores but theese are the ones that are probably best for that age range :P

just realised i went over 12 :O

hope i helped ...What chores would you suggest for kids?

At 2???


pass you clean dishes out of the dishwasher

5, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh..

Fold towels in laundry.


Feed the cat.


mow the lawn
i think that those chores are very good for children in those age groups to do... some may be not so good as others but it just depends on what you think that your child can do.... y must ppl make fun of things that that
age 2 put toys away to organize

age 4 water flower to practice their skills

age 6 set and clear table

age 8 make own breakfast

age 10 fold laundry or do laundry

don't let them do so much heavy things for them, not good at all

that's wat i think is best for them to do only
at 2!?!?!?! they can barely talk at two! just putting away toys at that age group is fine.

at 4-5, crazy people!!!!!!!! just the making own bed. they can not and should not do any of the other ones. for the cereal one, theyd spill the milk...

6-7: only pour drink and keep room tidy. jeez this is reduculous!!!!!

8-9: they can get kiddnapped if they walk pets by themselves. will hurt themselves with needle if they sew. peel veggies? really!?!

10+: no ironing clothes. cooking=not good idea for 10 year old. illegal for them to babysit by themselves if under 12years. make cookies= no. clean oven=no. mow lawn=no. all too dangerous!!!
yea some of those are a little crazy but some are really good ideas!! I thought you comments were funny!!
Your kid is not going to get kidnapped if he gets the mail! unless you live in a farm and the mail box is at least five miles from the main house. my three year old chores are to pick up his toys and to help my, for example: if i am making the bed I'll let him put the pillows, If i am washing the dishes, he will pour the soap. little stuff like that i feel will give him a better understanding.
mommy makes big lists

mommy has OCD
My parents strongly believed that I work for what they were providing for me and I never complained.

My mom had a round pin for her horses and would make me go outside and pick up the rocks. She'd also employ me to help her load the dishwasher (when we had one) or wash the dishes. But once I got older (8) I was cooking dinner for a family of five, doing the dishes afterward, and making sure the fridge didn't have any moldy food or nasty spills. I also helped with laundry, cleaned the bathroom, dusted and vacuumed. It may sound like a lot but I look back and thank her. And it wasn't every day that I was dusting and cleaning the bathroom and laundry. I just helped her out when she asked me to. Oh, and chopping wood was one when I was old enough to use an axe. (We lived out in the country and so there was always something to do). I learned good work ethics, though, and I learned not to complain about the food on my plate because I knew what kind of work my parents had to do to get it there.

Anyway...starting at two may be a bit much. Cleaning up their own toys is probably a good thing, but how often do kids think about cleaning up after themselves? I mean, the part of their brain in control of reasoning and long-term memory isn't even developed yet, so you can't expect much. Their attention span doesn't last more than two minutes and when you punish them for forgetting, they don't really understand the reasons behind you getting angry at them. The only thing that might keep them from making the same mistake again would be because kids hate it when their parents get mad at them. Don't make mommy mad, pick up toys. Lol. Anyway, I've gone on enough....

I'd say that chores should start once they can comprehend that they must work if they want that new videogame. Which will probably be around seven or eight. (This is also when they are equipped with that lovely thing we humans call reason so they know better than to disobey mom if they're smart - doesn't mean they won't push buttons, HAH!)
A few of these ideas seem a bit unrealistic but a lot of them are pretty good examples.

At 2, packing toys away is a pretty reasonable request.

At 4-5 learning how to make your own bed doesn't hurt and my son likes to help wash plastic dishes.

I would expect a 6-7yr old to be able to tidy their own bedroom.

8-9...make their own breakfast and simple snacks and put away their own laundry.

10 seems like a good age to start learning how to help with things like sweeping the floor and helping with the dishwasher or folding laundry.

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