Friday, November 12, 2010

I hate my life... Please, read this at least.?

This is serious, I don't want any answers like try to talk it out, tried that and doesn't work. This is coming from a 12 year old kid, I have average grades, I'm pale, I barely eat, and I'm always tired. My mom has put so much stress in my life. She yells at me and screams in my face for doing something wrong. She was all kind and nice before I turned 7. Before I was 7, my dad lived with us and he was nice but he used to always go out and get hookers and do weed and pot all day and stay at the bar. My mom got a divorce with him, a few months after that she picked up a guy named Dan. She met him at a bar, he was with us for a few months. He treated me like sh*t, ruined my self esteem, made my voice quiet and me extremely emotional. My mom never believed me when I told her how he treated me, but he finally left about March 2009, which is when I found one of my first friends that I can TRUST and we are still friends today. Now she yells at me the same, always discourages me, makes me cry daily, calls me a f*cking retard when I can't do my math right because I have a hard time concentrating in school because I can barely go to sleep before 11:30-12:00. I have tried killing myself before but I always chicken out and worry about how much it will affect my friends and family. I want to go and live with my dad but my mom makes a lot of money but she always goes out like 4 times a week and parties and crap, but my dad is nice to me but he doesn't have a job and and he does most of the stuff, plus he has a crazy girlfriend and now he has a kid I think. My dog is like 12 and shes gonna die soon and thats gonna be another terrible hardship on my life. The more she yells at me the more my grades struggle, it is now the last semester of 6th grade, and we have about 7 more weeks left. I've missed 15 days the WHOLE year and I was off today, but she won't let me miss another day, but she doesn't understand how tired I am in school, I fall asleep, my eyes burn etc and I'm constantly yawning and I can't concentrate. My mom just left out and sped away to some stupid club to probably leave me home alone, yet again. I screamed at her car I HATE YOU as loud as I could and now I feel terrible, and I know I'm probably going to be grounded. She won't let me sleep in again, even though I need it badly. She doesn't care about me at all. I wish she would die sometimes, but then when I think about it I'm like no, that would suck and I'd hate my life even more. My mom doesn't let me go outside much so I stay fit by working out, and I try to eat healthy when she actually cooks dinner. I normally just watch TV and play Xbox 360 all day with my friends. I just freaking hate my life and I feel so helpless. Also, please do not make fun of me, I know I shouldn't be on here but I act more mature than some people. Thanks, random internet people.I hate my life... Please, read this at least.?
I'm sure your mother loves you, since she's even bothering to take care of you.

Its just that a big rift has developed between the both of you, making it difficult for you both to connect.

(Yes, I have my FMLs every day too, but don't hate your life.)

I remember I used to be depressed. I watched TV all day, thinking it would entertain me, but I'd finish my episodes feeling empty as ever.

I think you should try to be sympathetic to your mom instead of being antagonistic. It will be hard, but see how it works. Its good that you're exercising, it helps with the stress.

Ew, I hate math. Try to get your teachers to help you. When I'm in a math help session, I focus a lot better than when I am at home. Do your best to get your grades up. Even if they're still low at the end of this year, be inspired next year, where you'll have a fresh start.

Confide in your trusted friends. At least you have them.I hate my life... Please, read this at least.?
For being treated bad--

Realize this

Hurting people hurt others. It's not you.. They are the ones who have a problem. They are sick and being mean makes them feel better. People/kids/parents do mean things or lie to manipulate. They just want the reaction so they can get high feel good from it. You have to look at the agenda and not just the words. Abuse is anything that's not uplifting so forget what truth is being used right then. They have the problem.

When they or you have been thru a bad past/rejection/father gone it makes things start. So called disorders such as Bipolar, cutting, OCD, anxiety, panic attacks,hearing voices can all come from a tramautic past. It opens doors to the negative and things like addicitons, cravings also. You can talk to me or google ';emotional abuse'; Knowing the truth is the step to freedom from pain.

Sickness can be a spiritual problem so praying to get rid of negative things of a spiritual nature is often needed after years of abuse.

Turns out psychiatry is not based on science. Its just like a theory and a guess. Doctors only practice this theory on the side of being docs. There is no medical background to it at all. Psychiatrists do not draw blood to determine the presence of a biochemical imbalance in patients. They merely observe and announce the existence of imbalances. They just desire to believe this. Mental illness does not exist.

Google online ';Emotional Abuse'; Read about bullies online.

Realize its their problem.

Google- Diet Depression Soda Thyroid

Google-';Sinners prayer';- learn that heaven awaits you

Google- ';Deliverance Prayers';

Click my name to talk. - God wants you to know truth

Source-- Experience in a ministry- I have time.
firstly- don't worry your not the only one who sleeps very little. At least you aren't an insomniac, that must suck really bad. I go to sleep between 10:30 and 11:30 and wake up between 5:25 and 6:10 so, it's not that bad. As for your mom yelling at you, you aren't alone. My mom used to yell so much. She still does but she only does sometimes, not as much. If you try being a bit nicer she might even be a bit nicer. Trust me. And don't make your mom and dad's problems your problems, it doesn't help, again, trust me, I know. You're still really young. email if you wanna talk at I'm 14.
Hi my name is Sadie and I am 14. (: ..... I understand what your going through. It is so is.. What you should do is does your mom let you go to friends houses? Go to your friends house CONSTANTLY almost every weekend if you have to...that will let you get out of the house and be free like any other 12 year old. I say you should go to a friends house when your mom goes to party and club. so ur not stuck at home. You HAVE to work around it and not stress so much. Dont get angry back at your mom when shes yelling. When she screams at you just say. ';ok mom i understand. I dont like how you get angry at me mom.'; be loving and kind to her. I dont care how much you want to SLAP her in the mother effing face but.. you HAVE to act and pretend to NOT care. (; this will get your mom to think twice (;
I used to feel like that all the time. I used to cut myself and tell myself I was a stupid b****. I thought there wasn't really a point in life. Then one day I realized something. All I was doing was hurting myself. Crying myself to sleep wasn't getting back at my mom for yelling at me or hitting me. So one day I looked in the mirror and smiled. Then I laughed. Then I realized how beautiful life was. How I was so young (I'm 14) and I have so many opportunities ahead of me.I realized I wasn't going to let anybody hold me back. It took awhile- but now I'm a joyful person. I stopped thinking about how much life sucks and started believing that I am blessed just to be breathing.
You shouldn't try to kill your self because it's totally not worth it what u need to do is stop putting yourself in a hole A.K.A your room and play xbox and watch tv and stuff...... just hang out with friends and enjoy life. I've been through a time period myself where I felt as if te life was being sucked out o me I was always depressed and I just hated everything and everyone. I know how you feel and you just don't need to let things bring you down open your arms to the world and allow people to come into your life so you can become happy! And with your mom maybe you should try to talk to her in a calm manner so she doesn't feel like your in a threatening manner or anything you should tell her that you love her and you always will no matter what and that all the yelling and screaming is hurting you deeply an that you just want her and u to be happy again. Strengthen your mom's love and your love so that together you two will be happy. The sleep thing maybe you should try going to bed earlier and just closing your eyes and relaxing try to forget everything that may do the trick.
I'm sad to hear your story and I hope my answer can help you to cope with the situation.

1. Know and understand that your mom is trying to salvage a life that has been shattered by your dad and she must be filled with disappointments she can't handle

2. Do your part to establish a good foundation for your future by studying hard

3. Reduce on your watching of TV and Xbox games, they will leave you little time to study

4. Yes, good that you choose to eat healthy and exercise properly, they will help your health

5. Do not move over to live with your dad, because he does not have the time or money for you

6. Over and above all, pray and ask the Lord for help, Jesus will not abandon you

7. Think carefully, because you are truly quite mature for your age. Make the right decisions and you will be blessed with a good future. This situation is only temporary, if you do the right things, you will come out of it a better person and your mom and others around you will respect you.

Be blessed
I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. First off, don't kill yourself. If things are actually as bad as you have implied, then your quality of life can only improve right? Talking to a counselor at school isn't a bad idea. Try to connect more with your mom. She obviously has problems if she's yelling at you. The best way to deal with explosive people is to act unconcerned.
I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. First off, don't kill yourself. If things are actually as bad as you have implied, then your quality of life can only improve right? Talking to a counselor at school isn't a bad idea. Try to connect more with your mom. She obviously has problems if she's yelling at you. The best way to deal with explosive people is to act unconcerned.
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