Well, I won't lie, I've been through this exact problem myself, with someone very close to me indeed...you need to approach the problem as quickly as possible. Things didn't turn out too good with the person I know, so I can't stress enough for you to get on the case now...
I live in England, and the NHS didn't really sort things out at all, and well, and the person passed away. Essentially, they could sort out one problem, but not the other simultaneously...so she would stop drinking, but then the eating disorder would come back just as viciously...and vica versa. It's horrendous.
Get every sort of help you can, get her in rehab, get her to a doctors, and more importantly, you have to be there for her all the time. If she's like the person I knew, then vodka will probably be stashed around the place...she'll be delirious... Don't be afraid to tell her how it is straight, and impose yourself into her life, ie throwing alcohol and drugs away, but you have to be positive, help her to cook things which are easy to eat, like soup...
It is for the best.. It's going to be a ******* ordeal, but as I said, be there, be positive, but be firm, and get her to people who can help...
Good luck. x x x xHow can I help my bestfriend with an eating disorder, drinking problem and drug use?
unfortunately, these kinds of problems aren't well-solved by friends. the best you can do is make sure you're there for her...on your terms. she will drain the life out of you if you aren't careful. don't enable her, but don't be her only shoulder.
Encourage her to get real help. Otherwise you will watch her die and be guilty forever. If you have to stay away from her if she gets too bad, DO IT! It is better to do anything to make her get real help than to watch her die.
Just remember that you can only help someone that wants to be helped. Try to let her family and your family in on what you want to do to help her, but at the same time, don't let her know what's going on until you are ready. Look into programs around your community that might benefit her needs and see if they can get her help.
Really you can't.
Until an addict decides they want to change, it won't happen.
Sounds anorexic to me, sooner or later, she'll probably starve herself to death, or into organ failure, which is the same thing. The drugs and alcohol are only helping her along.
As to her family, how do you know she hasn't already burned her bridges with them? Most addicts do. Everyone who tries to help them... gets burned. They lie, cheat, steal to get what they want, and when they burn people enough, ESPECIALLY FAMILY, the family says ';enough'; and walks away. We see it all the time at the ER.
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