Thursday, October 28, 2010

Is this dude on drugs?

so i've been worried for a long time that my live-in boyfriend is hiding something from me, but i've always just shrugged it off as paranoia. the longer i know him, the more i realize how dishonest he is.

he is 32 and broke. he always has a job, but he is in debt to all kinds of places. he's in default on an old student loan. he never graduated. he has no nice possessions. no car. no license because he lost it when he was in his twenties and just never bothered getting it back. i always thought this was just because his jobs were too low-paying (he's a line cook) but now i think it might be something else. we do smoke pot sometimes, but i don't think he could possibly spend all that much on pot.

a few other pieces of evidence have come to light lately.

-he has trouble sleeping, sometimes on weekends he will stay up for the whole night and then sleep for 18 or more hours the next day.

-he has all these problems with his nose. he's constantly blowing it. he's been blowing out blood for like 3 weeks, yet he doesn't seem concerned and he doesn't want to see a doctor about it.

-his weed dealer is also a big coke dealer. he talks a lot about how he needs to quit smoking, but i think maybe his real concern is something else that he needs to quit.

-i've found packs of cigarettes hidden around the house, and he absolutely hates cigarettes... except when he is either drunk or on hard drugs.

-he has lots of issues with his sex drive and erections and stuff.

and here's the biggest tip-off-

-the other weekend, after he stayed up all night, while he was sleeping away the whole next day, i found some small bits of grainy white substance on our kitchen counter. i tasted it. it was very bitter and made my tongue numb. i haven't been around coke in a couple years, but nothing else tastes like coke. as far as i know.

-yesterday i found a cut off drinking straw badly hidden under our microwave.

i've confronted him with this evidence and he just denies it up and down. he says he hates cocaine and never touches the stuff.

is there any other possible explanation? i really doubt it, but maybe something i haven't thought of yet...Is this dude on drugs?
Did you get this from a text book?... cause this sounds like a Coke Fiend to me.Is this dude on drugs?
He's probably using the weed as a linament to keep you from guessing hes using coke... and I'd read the lease there has to be something you can use to get out of it if hes abusing drugs.

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Yes yes he is.
sounds like a class A bum to me :P
sounds like a coke addicite to me
He's a cokehead and you know that. You need to get out since he is only a financial and emotional drain on your life and he is totally not interested in changing. Time to say bye bye!! : /
I think you have answered your own question... good grief what a loser... It would be okay if it were just hard luck. But it's not, it sounds like he made himself that way. Get away from him and stop smoking weed yourself. You don't need to be hanging out with people like that.
It's not your business. And if it is, since when is a man measured by his possessions?
yes, herroin
I need you to either put him out or get out before you get put in the slammer with him when they raid your home and find coke everywhere. He's got it bad.
the lack of sex drive is the tip off for me. Yea he's into something.
You should tell him you leaving him if he does not do a drug test
yesssssssssss you *********************************
he's on drugs.

its that simple.

the evidence is all there, quit being blind and believing him.

i think its time for an intervention.

get your butt up and do something or kick him out.

YOUR mouth went numb, its cocaine.

good luck with this crap.

you don't need to let him keep doing this, and stay with him.

its bad for you.
I think you know what's going on, but you want to trust him so much that common sense flew out the window this time. It happens when we really care about somebody, but the truth is that he is going to bring you and him down hard. It's going to get ugly when he has no more $ to get his fix. Give him the choice... either 1)Go to rehab and clean up and keep you or 2) keep his precious booger sugar and lose you.
ofcourse im not gonna know for sure...

but it seems to be like HE IS on drugs.

blowing out blood?

he needs help!

I believe that he is NOt telling you the truth.

you need to confront him again and tell him all the things you'v been finding.

tell him to tell you the honest truth!
Sounds like it to me hun, sorry to be the one that has to say that. Coke costs a small fortune and for his nose to be bleeding for 3 weeks when been blown indicates he's not just using it occasionally.

For his nose to bleed to this extent i would say hes a frequent user if not dependent on the stuff.

For him to deny it when you've asked him outright would say to me he's hiding it possible because he's ashamed?

I'd advise you speak to him offer you support and help if he doesn't want it then the only suggestion would be leave him. He needs to hit rock bottem before he'll come to terms with things.

Seems extreme but the surrondings aren't good for you or you as a couple, he could become violent towards you and who knows what could happen.

Good luck

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