Thursday, October 28, 2010

I dont know what to do?

ok i know that i need tokick my boyfriend out...but unfortunitly we live with my mom and i am the biggest wuss like ever and in all reality he kinda scares me even though i wont let him know it...i am 15 weeks pregnant..bu i dont think he know about it..ive told him several times that i pregnat..but he keeps telling me im being stupid and that im not really ive tried my hardest to hide my hormone changes from if i fell i need to cry i leave the room and go to the restroom or somthing...he does not have a job or anywhere to go if i kick him out...the only time ive ever seen him with a job is when we first met and when i left to go to california for a few months to visit family and friends...he had to get a job to live...but when i came back he lost his job and has not had one since he lies to me about getting one...says he is looking for one when he is not he uses my car and my car was a bran new murcury sable and ran perfectly now it needs all new spark plugs and a major tune up cause he has anger issues and takes it out on the car by hot rodding it..i dont know what to do...and everytime i tell him we should split up he talks about killing himself cause he has nothing without me...and ive tried to explain to him that thats the reason i wanted to split up was that he needs to learn to live on his own without me before i want him to live with me but he doesnt listen he gets mad and blocks out everything im telling him...he ignores me all the time..and tell me how fat i when i want my mind it goes im pregnant im working overtime to make a baby and to pay for a car,insurence,rent,cable,internet,7rats,鈥?pig,his ciggerettes and weed,and food...oh and gas for the car....i deserve chips if i want them...but he will try his hardest to make m feel bad about buying them and make me feel like im just fat and gross....he is always talking about killing my animals..which are like babies to me...and he is alweays telling me how lazy i am...becuse i sleep alot more these i go to work at like 4 am as a home care worker...and i get off about 730 am..then i have tome to come home and take a shower and change slothes where i go back to work at 9 as a customer service rep until 530pm...them i come home and i feed the animals clean cages cook him dinner and clean the kitchen then i make a sandwitch and go back to work at 730 until about 130am..then i can come home but i have to clean the house when i get homeand he is still planted on the computer where we was when he woke up playing a game..and then i pull all my animals out for play time the boys have to have at least one hour of bed time and the girls get one hour then i have to pull the guinea pig out and then after all the critters are back to their cages i can get ready for bed and go to sleep i dont usually get to bed untill lik 3am if im lucky leaving me like an hour of sleep a night to live on and just thinking back on that im frankly suprised that im still pregnant..haha...any who what the hell am i to do....i dont know how to get him out of my house without being rudeI dont know what to do?
I think you have a serious problem. Tell him to leave, if he doesn't believe you are pregnant then that's his problem...

You don't need him, his just an extra burden. And it's not good for the baby as well.

I would suggest you bring the cops to the house and then tell him to leave because he might become violent and hurt you and the baby.

I think that his being rude and disrespect full to you and that you should kick him out... he has done nothing but make you feel bad, and you shouldn't have to tolerate his ****...

Be strong and my prayers are with you and the baby! I dont know what to do?
Damn girl, you have to get rid of him ASAP, he is a loser and a leech, he treats you horribly because he doesn't care, but when you tell him to leave he threatens to kill himself because he knows you will change your mind, you are just acting differently because of the baby, you need to settle down, relax so you're healthy during your pregnancy. Give him a date that he is moving out so he can look for a job and a place, but he must go, or you will just continue to be unhappy, you sound like you do a lot of work, and you deserve to be happy, don't let this guy drag you down. You say you don't want to be rude, but he sounds like a extremely rude person, tell him that it's not working, he is not helping support you, and that you are unhappy in this situation and it's time for him to go.

I hope the best for you, your child and your pets.
you just need to stand your ground and let him know what needs to happen and what is going on in reality

this is easier said then done but it definitly needs to be done

because out of this whole thing you havent wrote one positive thing about you bf

i think its time you let him go

because you partner is suppose to be your other half that keeps you grounded not pulls you down

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